Tuesday 1 October 2024

Reiki: Profound Healing with Energy & Gentle Touch

Reiki is a famous Japanese healing technique in which the transmission of energy and gentle touch is used by Reiki masters to promote emotional balance in people struggling with emotional and mental health. Reiki originally means ‘Universal Life Force’ and has a holistic approach to wellness. Reiki originated in Japan and is based on the belief that vital life energy or forces flow through one's body.

Reiki practitioners or masters use their gentle touch to channel the energy. Reiki healing reduces stress, and anxiety, and promotes relaxation. Reiki Training in India is done by various institutions but it is important to validate their knowledge first. Effective healing can only be done by trained and certified professionals. It is important to make sure that the practitioner is well-trained and certified in reiki healing practice. 

Reiki Training in India 

  1. Shoden (First Degree) - The first level introduces the basics of reiki. Students first learn to feel the energy, the positions of hands, and the use of hand positions for various types of healings. 

  1. Okuden (Second Degree) - In the second level of Reiki Training in India, trainees receive symbols and mantras that enable them to channel energy more promptly. In this degree distance healing techniques are introduced which allows healing from a distance, even to events that have occurred in the past or in the future.

  1. Shinpiden (Master Level) - The last or the final degree of reiki training which empowers practitioners/trainees to share their knowledge with others. At this level, practitioners enhance their skills and understanding.

Reiki Training in India includes meditations, sessions on the ethical use of reiki, and practice sessions for healing. 

Kundalini Reiki in India

Kundalini Reik in India is one specialized form of reiki that works on the fundamental concepts of kundalini energy. Kundalini is a form of divine energy located at the base of the spine and it is a storage of energy. When this energy is unleashed it rises through other chakras and leads to spiritual awakening and finally healing. 

Practices of Kundalini Reiki in India focus on utilizing powerful energy for healing purposes. The sessions involve awakening Kundalini's energy for emotional healing and personal well-being. 

Benefits of Reiki Training and Kundalini Reiki in India 

  1. Stress Reduction 

  2. Emotional Healing 

  3. Physical Healing

  4. Relief from anxiety

  5. Spiritual Growth

  6. Balancing of chakras

  7. Harnessing powerful energy 

  8. Alleviation blockages of mind and emotions.

Reiki training by Healing World provides emotional, physical, and mental healing and transformation in life. Healing World promotes a holistic approach to wellness by making use of various healing practices for your well-being. Visit www.healingworld.com for more information and book an appointment

Wednesday 28 August 2024

Bringing the Healing Power of Lama Fera in India to Modern Times

 People are suffering from mental and emotional illness more than ever. It is causing many physical illnesses as well. For every disease, we cannot keep popping on medicines. They have side effects as well. That is why; we have to look for alternates. One way is to try spiritual healing. Lama Fera is one of them. Lama Fera is an exceptionally powerful healing practiced for centuries in Himalayas by Buddhist monks. Lama Fera in India is used since 620 BC.

More About Lama Fera

Lama Fera Healing is known to heal mental, physical, and emotional illnesses through spiritual healing with the help of Lord Buddha. Lama means follower of Lord Buddha and Fera means going around the body with his energy. It is a quick way which cleanses your body’s energy system. Lama Fera Healing removes negative energies to produce physical and emotional healing.

How Does it Work?

Lama Fera seeks the assistance of Lord Buddha to solve the problem. In This process, Lord Budhha’s energy is received through the healer and directed towards the illness or disease. You can do it with 12 symbols. It is known to cure depression from its roots. It can help overcome mental barriers such as anxiety, stress and poor concentration.. It also helps in solving past life issues. In Lama Fera, one does not need to touch the other person. The healer is a connection between the receiver and Lord Buddha.

Healing World is where the Lama Fera, a healing technique from India, is performed. Healing World is an educational resource for healing.. It was formed as there was a need for spiritual support for people who were suffering from emotional, mental, and physical ailments. Healing World offers a variety of healing techniques, including Kundalini Reiki, Lamafera and more.. With our experience in healing and well being, we strive for excellence in helping everyone through divine healing.

Try Lama Fera to believe in its power. Heal yourself at Healing World and feel better. Learn more about all the techniques performed and taught at Healing World. Visit our website- www.healingworld.co.in

Thursday 25 July 2024

Best Crystals for Communication and Public Speaking

We all have a unique way to express our thoughts and views. For making relations or doing well in business, one needs communication skills. Communication is the first step to make your place in outside world. However, everybody is not comfortable to communicate it publicly or even privately. Are you also one of them who find it difficult to express themselves? One of the most effective and easy to use thing which can help in improving your communication is crystals.

Crystals are natural stones which help you improve your communication skills by bringing confidence. Some of the Best Crystals for communication are

Blue Kyanite:- This will give you the confidence to say what’s on your mind without any hesitation. This beautiful stone can be worn as a pendant or a ring.

Aquamarine:- As it is associated with water, this crystal will make your words flow out of your mouth.

Solatide:- It is the best stone for throat chakra. It boosts communication.  It also improves our thinking and decision making.

Blue Apatite:- This helps in clearing the doubts and lets you look and speak clearly.

The best way to wear these Best Crystals for communication is in a piece of jewellery.

These crystals will slowly and steadily bring change in your life. There are some crystals that are very useful for those who need confidence in Public speaking. As Public Speaking is a part of every child as well as adult’s life now, many lack courage to clearly deliver their views and ideas open in the public. They are able to express in one to one or in writing but not in speaking in front of a group of people. They start having jitters, wet hands and feels like their throat is jam. Some of the Best Crystals for public speaking will let you stay calm and confident in front of everyone. They will boost your confidence and give clarity of speech.

Some of the Best Crystals for public speaking are

Red Carnelian Tumbles:- It is a stone of good luck, motivation, and helps in manifesting goals. It is blessed by Mahamrityunjay siddha healing and Asht Vinayak healing.

Lava Sodalite Bracelet:- It is one of the best crystals which help you build a career in public speaking, anchoring, and singing.

Blue Tiger Eye Bracelet:- A very auspicious stone of protection and will power.

All these authentic stones can be bought from Healing World. To learn more, visit the website www.healingworld.co.in.

Monday 29 August 2022

Lama Fera Healing

Lama Fera is an exceptionally powerful healing technique. Do you know what it means?  Lama means a follower of Lord Buddha, and Fera means going around the body with his energy. Used by Buddhists for centuries, it is used to remove negative energies to produce physical and emotional healing. It has been used since 620 B.C. 

What Happens in Lama Fera 

In Lama Fera Healing, Lord Buddha’s help is taken to resolve the problem. The energy of Lord Buddha is received through the healer and directed towards the illness or disease. It is done with the help of 12 symbols. It is known to direct healing to the root cause of the disease. It helps in overcoming mental barriers like stress, anxiety, poor concentration, and depression. It helps in solving past life issues. 

 Learn Lama Fera in Delhi

Healing World is a resource center for healing. Recognizing the need for spiritual support for people these days, who are suffering from mental and physical ailments, Healing World was formed. With our experience, we deliver accurate and effective results and help them overcome their fear and illness. 

To find out more about Lama Fera, visit our website www.healingworld.co.in.

Wednesday 2 February 2022

Reiki Training Services at Healing World

Energy Healing

As you don't need to completely grasp the concept of gravity before you fall, you don't need to fully understand energy healing before you start the practice. A healing session can be scheduled at any time. It's best to go into an energy healing session at Healing World with an open mind. If you are stressed, anxious, or physically drained, an energy healing session can help you relax and feel more balanced. Even if you're feeling great, you can always feel a little better or you can also take Reiki Training Services at Healing World and help others.

Reiki Training Services

An energy healing approach works directly with the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of well-being, restoring harmony and balance to the body, mind, and soul. The therapy is used to treat various health conditions, including diseases of the mind. It addresses the health issues caused by disturbed energy flows in the body. When the energy flow is fixed, a person gets cured. In a healing session, every type of holy ritual is used. Touching the body is not involved. It involves using mantras and symbols, and its vibrations as well. In order to treat a particular illness or condition, the healer helps transfer Lord Buddha's energy to the patient.

There are different types of energy healing techniques, and each one works differently to treat a person such as Reiki, Crystal Healing, and Lama Fera Healing. The Lama Fera Healing therapy is like working with saintly and sacred energy. Undoubtedly, this is worth a try. Contact your very own Healing World to schedule a powerful Lama Fera Healing session.

Lama Fera Healing

There are two words in the Japanese language representing Reiki: 'Rei' which means "God's wisdom" and "Ki" which means "energy". Reiki healing combines traditional medicine with the use of 'ki' or the power of energy. At Healing World we provide Reiki Training Services, Reiki uses hand movements and symbols in order to channel the energy of the universe to heal the body. It can help to cure ailments like colds, cases of flu, headaches, and stomach aches. It is also very effective in treating serious diseases such as heart disease.

Healing with crystals: Crystals and stones are used in this type of healing process to remove impurities from the body, which works in a different way on the body and targets different kinds of physical, emotional, and spiritual problems. Positive energy repels negative energy from the body, which disturbs mental and physical well-being.

Tuesday 27 July 2021

Reiki Training in India For Pregnant Women-

Reiki is a popular form of alternative medicine and is being widely acknowledged by people around the world. Its basic principles and techniques are being followed by people around the world.

It is a universal life healing energy that flows through living things. Nowadays many pregnant women are also going for reiki healing treatment. It has proven beneficial as per women who went through this treatment during pregnancy. This method helps in creating a calming and balanced space for the baby to grow. But many women often wonder if reiki training in India is safe for pregnant women or not. Here are the things you should know about reiki training in India for pregnant women.

Is reiki training in India safe for pregnant women? 

Women often feel hesitation before going for a reiki session during pregnancy. They wonder if this technique will work well on there and before that is it even safe? There is a need to clear out misconceptions about reiki training in India. As for pregnancy, it is absolutely safe for a pregnant woman to go for a reiki session. It is just positive energy and there is no need to worry about the baby's or your own health. 

Done in the right way, reiki can raise the energy level in your body. While practicing it, you also become a channel for a universal life healing energy. When a practitioner puts a hand on your belly, your baby and you receive reiki energy. You too can perform this technique on your own if you know how to perform it. But if you don't, you can always go for reiki sessions conducted in your nearest location. It does not matter whether you are pregnant or not, you will receive equal benefits from this healing technique. It will make your body and mind relaxed.

Where to get reiki training in India? 

So, do you want to go for reiki training in India? It is a good decision to go for healing sessions once in a while. 

Are you looking for Reiki practitioners for your reiki session? You can book your session from the healing world's website. You can also go through the numerous types of healing sessions they provide at an affordable price.

Tuesday 15 June 2021

Reiki Training In India | Reiki Training Services

 Importance of Reiki training services and crystals used in Reiki training in India. 

Going for reiki training services is good for your mental health. It is a kind of meditation that helps in rejuvenating your body and restoring your energy levels. If you are feeling anxiety, stress, constant sadness or are just overwhelmed with emotions, you should go for reiki healing. Do not let these negative feelings make space in your mind. Let these emotions out. Through reiki training you will clean your own energy. It will boost your energy, and give you enough positivity to live your days without stressing much. It is completely natural and far better than what a coffee can do. An energy drink or coffee will restore your energy levels for a limited time. But reiki will restore your energy level naturally for a longer period of time. Not only that it would not have any negative effects on your body unlike energy drinks or caffeine that can have bad effects on your body if consumed beyond a limit. Reiki is safe and effective.

Crystals used in Reiki healing services - 

You must have heard of use of healing crystals during a Reiki session. Practitioners are not bound to use healing crystals. But using these crystals are believed to add an extra element of healing to the reiki session. It helps in releasing emotional, mental and physical blocks.  There is no such scientific proof to back up the crystal healing method but people claim that it does work. Common crystals that are used in a reiki session include Rose quartz, amethyst, topaz, moonstone, tourmaline, aquamarine etc.

These crystals can be placed around your body or practitioners can tell you to hold them in your hand. 

Different crystals work differently.

Where to find reiki healing services  ?

Reiki training in India will provide you a chance to revenjunate your mind, body and soul. It helps you restore balance and reduce stress. Now you must be aware about how reiki can change your mind. If you are stressed or anxious, you can find reiki professionals. Visit healing world's website and get to know more about reiki services and get in touch with reiki professionals.

Going for reiki will be one of the  best experiences of your life. And you should not think twice about things that deals with your body and spirit.