Tuesday 1 October 2024

Reiki: Profound Healing with Energy & Gentle Touch

Reiki is a famous Japanese healing technique in which the transmission of energy and gentle touch is used by Reiki masters to promote emotional balance in people struggling with emotional and mental health. Reiki originally means ‘Universal Life Force’ and has a holistic approach to wellness. Reiki originated in Japan and is based on the belief that vital life energy or forces flow through one's body.

Reiki practitioners or masters use their gentle touch to channel the energy. Reiki healing reduces stress, and anxiety, and promotes relaxation. Reiki Training in India is done by various institutions but it is important to validate their knowledge first. Effective healing can only be done by trained and certified professionals. It is important to make sure that the practitioner is well-trained and certified in reiki healing practice. 

Reiki Training in India 

  1. Shoden (First Degree) - The first level introduces the basics of reiki. Students first learn to feel the energy, the positions of hands, and the use of hand positions for various types of healings. 

  1. Okuden (Second Degree) - In the second level of Reiki Training in India, trainees receive symbols and mantras that enable them to channel energy more promptly. In this degree distance healing techniques are introduced which allows healing from a distance, even to events that have occurred in the past or in the future.

  1. Shinpiden (Master Level) - The last or the final degree of reiki training which empowers practitioners/trainees to share their knowledge with others. At this level, practitioners enhance their skills and understanding.

Reiki Training in India includes meditations, sessions on the ethical use of reiki, and practice sessions for healing. 

Kundalini Reiki in India

Kundalini Reik in India is one specialized form of reiki that works on the fundamental concepts of kundalini energy. Kundalini is a form of divine energy located at the base of the spine and it is a storage of energy. When this energy is unleashed it rises through other chakras and leads to spiritual awakening and finally healing. 

Practices of Kundalini Reiki in India focus on utilizing powerful energy for healing purposes. The sessions involve awakening Kundalini's energy for emotional healing and personal well-being. 

Benefits of Reiki Training and Kundalini Reiki in India 

  1. Stress Reduction 

  2. Emotional Healing 

  3. Physical Healing

  4. Relief from anxiety

  5. Spiritual Growth

  6. Balancing of chakras

  7. Harnessing powerful energy 

  8. Alleviation blockages of mind and emotions.

Reiki training by Healing World provides emotional, physical, and mental healing and transformation in life. Healing World promotes a holistic approach to wellness by making use of various healing practices for your well-being. Visit www.healingworld.com for more information and book an appointment