Tuesday, 15 June 2021

Reiki Training In India | Reiki Training Services

 Importance of Reiki training services and crystals used in Reiki training in India. 

Going for reiki training services is good for your mental health. It is a kind of meditation that helps in rejuvenating your body and restoring your energy levels. If you are feeling anxiety, stress, constant sadness or are just overwhelmed with emotions, you should go for reiki healing. Do not let these negative feelings make space in your mind. Let these emotions out. Through reiki training you will clean your own energy. It will boost your energy, and give you enough positivity to live your days without stressing much. It is completely natural and far better than what a coffee can do. An energy drink or coffee will restore your energy levels for a limited time. But reiki will restore your energy level naturally for a longer period of time. Not only that it would not have any negative effects on your body unlike energy drinks or caffeine that can have bad effects on your body if consumed beyond a limit. Reiki is safe and effective.

Crystals used in Reiki healing services - 

You must have heard of use of healing crystals during a Reiki session. Practitioners are not bound to use healing crystals. But using these crystals are believed to add an extra element of healing to the reiki session. It helps in releasing emotional, mental and physical blocks.  There is no such scientific proof to back up the crystal healing method but people claim that it does work. Common crystals that are used in a reiki session include Rose quartz, amethyst, topaz, moonstone, tourmaline, aquamarine etc.

These crystals can be placed around your body or practitioners can tell you to hold them in your hand. 

Different crystals work differently.

Where to find reiki healing services  ?

Reiki training in India will provide you a chance to revenjunate your mind, body and soul. It helps you restore balance and reduce stress. Now you must be aware about how reiki can change your mind. If you are stressed or anxious, you can find reiki professionals. Visit healing world's website and get to know more about reiki services and get in touch with reiki professionals.

Going for reiki will be one of the  best experiences of your life. And you should not think twice about things that deals with your body and spirit.

Wednesday, 26 May 2021

Levels of Reiki training in India

When you go for your first Reiki training in India, you should have a basic knowledge of this practice and how it works. There are three different levels of mastery in Reiki and they all have different meanings. It's not really necessary to know everything about these three levels. But having some knowledge beforehand won’t do any harm. Knowing the basics about each level and their meanings may add up to your Reiki experience.

All levels of Reiki healing are centred on "attunement" (a ceremony of empowerment), education and practice. A ceremony called "Reiju" is performed by the Reiki master during each level. Its aim is to open and expand energy channels which will allow the Universal energy (Qi) to flow freely within the body.

Attunement can be described as a process where the master passes energy to his/her student.

Level 1 and 2 training can last over a weekend. But you can also find trainings that last for weeks or even months.


Level 1 of Reiki training in India

Level 1 - The first level of Reiki training is called as “shoden”. It main focus is to open up the energy channels of body at physical level. It helps in connecting with the Universal Energy.

People usually feel physical signs of energy in their body including coolness or heat in their palms. At Level 1 practitioners practice healing on themselves. This level also covers an overview of Reiki History.


Level 2 of Reiki Training in India

Level 2 (Okuden) - At level 2 students practice reiki on others. Its main focus is to open energy channels more deeply. There are five symbols in reiki and they all correspond to a specific energy which include power, harmony, distance, mastery, and completion .Students also get their symbols at this level. And they are expected to use these symbols to attract flow of universal energy. Level 2 Reiki training's focus is on opening the heart chakra which is known to be the midpoint between physical and spiritual chakras.


Level 3 of Reiki training in India

Level 3 of Reiki training also called as “Shinpiden”. A significant time should be given to practicing your level 2 learning before you go for Level 3 of Reiki training. At this level students receive master attunment of reiki. It requires deep commitment to reiki practice.


Monday, 3 May 2021

Best Reiki Crystals In India

 Myth buster - reiki healing

Even after millions of successful treatments, Reiki continues to be surrounded by a level of mystique, misconceptions, and myths. Scientifically the therapy has cured numerous disorders and diseases through the power of positivity and yet in some parts of the world, it is considered as some vodo therapy! So here are some of the myths and their real answers that are associated with reiki and Lama Fera Healing -

Spiritual not religious -
While Reiki is certainly about spirituality, it has no connections to any specific religion whatsoever. There is not a single place where you worship or forced to follow reiki. Similarly, no temples, churches, or monuments were made to practice reiki. It has been and always will be practiced in spiritual healing centers. Reiki practitioners are not followers’ practices but rather a therapy for independent thinkers. Even the guiding principles that serve as the foundation of Reiki and Lama Fera Healing have no connection to religion.

It is bounded by rules and regulations -
Reiki originated from a Japanese system, invented and developed by Dr. Mikao Usui about 70 years ago. It is not complicated at all to learn and practic and doesnt need any specific degree to pursue. There are no rules, dress codes, regulations, mandatory meetings, or other complications whatsoever. In fact, Reiki is quite straightforward and simple. Its Divine energy is channeled through the practitioner and Best Reiki Crystals in India to the subject.

Reiki isn’t a cure-all for anything -
Reiki and Best Reiki Crystals in India help patients to create a relaxation response and assists to promotes a mind-body state conducive to healing. Curing involves alleviating symptoms and treating physical causes of a health condition through the positive power of the therapist. It healing therapy involves spiritual, emotional, and mental unblocking and re-balancing of the spiritual chakras to help get to the root cause of a condition. It also helps an individual to get back on track and create an optimal environment in which for the body to heal.

One session is enough!
Some people may have experienced profound healing effects after a single session, but reiki is a long-term process and it is not necessary that one session will cure diseases and disorders. Reiki works to promote spiritual healing and its process needs to be carried out over a period of time to see results better results. It’s is recommended to carry out at least three or four Reiki sessions to experience noticable changes.

Tuesday, 23 March 2021

Reiki Training Services | Kundalini Reiki

 Reiki and pregnancy 

Reiki still considered a very intrusive topic between health practitioners and spiritual healers around the world. Scientists are still looking for the possible reasons for how reiki affects an individual’s health on a physical basis. Reiki Training Services are mostly based on beliefs and positive vibes which are hard to analyze and detect. Yet the practice has healed millions around the world. When it comes to pregnancy, the Kundalini Reiki works on both the child and the mother’s overall health.

Reiki helps a mother to remove all the negative energies from their body and brings positive energy. The positive energy uplifts your mood and releases hormones that are vital for the heath of the features and the mother. Furthermore, reiki therapy at Reiki Training Services center can be helpful for those who are going through pregnancy sleeplessness, depression, and anxiety. It helps a mother to have better health during pregnancy. And even if the mother and the child are healthy, the therapy promotes positive energy which keeps them happy!

After pregnancy, a mother can experience various physical and mental changes. The changes can be overwhelming and can lead to post-delivery depression. The disorder is quite common in the early stages of motherhood. The root cause of depression is sudden changes and a lack of positive motivation in an individual’s life! Kundalini Reiki can help mothers to stay calm during the whole early motherhood experience. 

Although motherhood is tough, fathers during the whole process of pregnancy and delivery make sure that their mate and the upcoming member of the family stay healthy and happy. It all can cause minor anxiety and trauma depending upon an individual life. Therapy of reiki can help an individual to create a positive psyche and balanced mental peace. It is important to acknowledge the health of the whole family and pursuing reiki therapy can help individuals to eliminate negative energies from the body.

Get reiki therapeutic kits at home and learn the art of reiki with the healing world. The courses are easy to learn and help millions of lives to heal through positive energy. Order now online and learn the art of reiki to keep your family healthy and happy. Pregnancy or not the therapies are good to explore the inner psyche and harmonize an individual’s inner chakra. So stay healthy with reiki therapy and enjoy the miracle of childbirth and parenthood!

Thursday, 4 March 2021

The science behind karmic reiki -

Reiki is known for its spiritual healing and is acknowledged worldwide for the positive impacts it gifts to the world.  Nevertheless, scientists around the world are still looking for logical reasoning for healing through human radiations. Many citizens around the world are still suffering through the dilemma of Reiki Training Services and still not aware of the science behind Kundalini Reiki.

If we start from scratch, everything in the whole universe is made of energy. The energy which only changes it forms but never ends. This energy can be witnessed in various forms like vibrations, patterns, sound, light, heat, etc. For instance, the heat we receive from burning wood increases our heat energy level in the body which leads to various physical and mental changes inside and outside our body. This chain of energy conversion works forever as the law of perpetual transmutation of energy. The universal law of past life works on the same perspective. The only difference is it reflects what you had provided to the universe in the past life. As the universal law of soul evolution suggests, everyone on the earth shares a goal of spiritual evolution. 

Speaking of life and evolution, it is a proven fact that whatever you give to the universe you receive the same. ( the universal law of attractions, newton's third law of motion).  Kundalini Reiki works on the same science, for instance, a therapist provides positive vibrations or human energy to another one in the hope of healing and donates a good karmic impression on the universe leading to creating more positive impressions on the patient and his people.

Another explanation given by quantum physics is -The primary principle of quantum physics is that consciousness is creating the world we are experiencing.” it means that the body and mind are both invisible when they are counted individually. Any sense of emotion in your mind will eventually affect your physical health. The physical body is connected with our subconscious mind. Once your thoughts become your beliefs, it starts to seep into your physical body and transform your experiences. It starts to reflect in your social life and eventually turns into your habits.

So these are the theories that prove the science behind karmic reiki services. Reiki Training Services is as scientific as any other medical treatment. It can be a blessing in disguise or a boon, it all depends on how you perceive it. 

Friday, 29 January 2021

Many Ways to Use Reiki

As the world knows, Reiki and Lama Fera Healing is a spiritual practice that focuses on the positive and negative body’s energy field. It can help an individual to get a boost in the immune system through stress relief in physical and mental state, along with peace and well-being of your life. It is a way of life, which can bring positivity for many people. 

As each individual is different in their approach, a lot of people use Reiki in their ways each day, by thinking outside the box. For instance, one has surrounded themselves with loving Reiki and Lama Fera Healing before they even step out into the world each day. Especially the ones who are particularly sensitive to the emotions of other people. Practicing Reiki and Lama Fera in India

Can shield them from the negative energy that others possess. It will help an individual to feel better and more centered towards their goals. 

Here are some of the ways you can use Reiki in your daily life, 

Indulge the reiki in food - In some cultures, praying before eating meals can increase the positive energy of the food and psyche. A positive mind frame during a meal can enhance the nutrition value of it! As when an individual feels positive, the body starts producing hormones that strengthen the overall working of the physical body. 

Work out with reiki - workspace of an individual is one of the important parts of life. It's a place where one runs their minds to be creative and productive to achieve life goals. So the more it will be positive, the more a workplace will be productive and efficient for an individual. Reiki and Lama Fera in India techniques can boost the positive energy of the surroundings. The practice is super easy to incorporate and encourage positivity in the longer run, so it can be practice daily before starting the day! 

In the end, the reiki can always be n\used to reduce the negative energy of any living or nonliving thing. From living beings like humans, pets, and other creatures to non-living things like a home, workspace, or any other place where negative energy can concentrate. 

At healing world, you can buy and practice reiki and lama fera at home through our three-level courses. These courses are available to purchase online and get delivered to your doorstep without any hassle. 

Tuesday, 29 December 2020

Way to a healthy heart!

The mind  is  a power machine which holds your thoughts and emotions to the fullest. The blood which runs to your body, digestive system and respiratory system holds it all but what about the heart? Your heart is confronted with numerous emotions. It just pumps blood in your bloodstream. But don't take it easy! It is important to take care of your heart and to channelise the same with a stream of healthy and good thoughts. 

Lama Fera Healing works on inner positivity, and Lama Fera in India is always there to embrace the power of spirituality. We have seen in various researches and our customer feedback that Lama Fera Healing has actually helped people to lower down effects of heart disorders.. Lama Fera in India comes in three and five level courses that you can purchase online as individuals or in combos with crystals and other healing stones. You can check out online platforms for more courses like this and get various crystals and healing stones as per your psyche and choice.

A health heart needs positivity, spirituality and a diaspora of good thoughts. It takes a healthy diet  to enhance the strength of the heart muscles and also trying to keep them active. Optimum consumption of fats and carbohydrates can lubricate the blood vessels for great blood flow, but too much of it can increase your cholesterol levels and block the inner layers of arteries and capillaries which can lead to heart attack or even death. 

Apart from diet and your happy mind, exercise is also important in one's life. Keep a moderate exercise of twenty or thirty minutes at the very start of your day to keep your body active and heart in order. If that doesn't work, increase your time and intensity of workout. But make sure not to pressure yourself too much as weak muscles and an active heart can lead to pain in the chest and muscles around that can cause inflammation and uneasiness during workout or otherwise also. If you find yourself feeling anxious in solo times just consult a doctor or a physician, You can consult our experts for meditation and yoga practices that might help you to feel better with the sudden anxiety and chest discomfort. Worry not as healing world is here to heal your world.